Social bookmarking
Reading this post I discovered 2 things:
- Social Bookmarking
- A comfortable and browser independent way to store my bookmarks
Vigg's Blog
Reading this post I discovered 2 things:
I would like to kill some processes that run on my machine. I don't know exactly who they are and what do they do.
I discovered that What process has a utility that you can download on your machine and that allows you to discover some info about the processes riunning on your machine.
You can also discover this information using the web browser. For example, you need to know what is csrss.exe, so you can point your browser to the following URL and you got process information plus some users comments!
The following HTML code can be used as a tool to query process info!
<form >
<INPUT type="button" name="button1" value="Submit"
OnClick='var a="";
<INPUT type="text" name="text1">
Normally on my machine (noteboox with Intel Pentium M 1.7 GHz, 512 MB of RAM) runs about 65 processes!
How many processes can I shut down without causing any problem?
I'll try do discover!
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